66 Days Challenge ~ 3th Edition

19 April till 23 June 2022

Change your habits
A joint journey of 3 challenges in 66 days
350+ participants
Already preceded you in the first two editions
Score of 9/10
Is what Susan and Michel on average got from participants
'Small Habits to Great Happiness'

(including exercises)

Do you recognize this?

If you recognize one or more obstacles? Then this event is for you!

I am full of good intentions, but postpone them

I want to get rid of my unhealthy habits

I want to live lighter; experience less stress and let go more

I don't hold anything

I want to grow old with vitality and health

I want to be free of my addiction(s)

I don't know what my passion is

I miss mindset and willpower

I feel unhappy, I am searching

I want to make more time for my love relation, family and/or friends

I guard my boundaries noth as good as I would like

I want to live my own life

I want to start taking better care of myself

I have little energy, I would like to live life to the fullest

I want to go out into the world, but I don't dare

I can't do it alone

If you recognize one or more obstacles? Then this event is for you!

Revive - Grow - Bloom

The 66 Days Challenge offers an excellent opportunity to stretch yourself in this period full of potential. To challenge yourself in a number of areas, so you can celebrate your new self during the summer. It´s a joint journey, in which we activate ourselves with fun as one of the main ingredients. With the aim to grow and shine.

At the beginning of the year, the 66 Days Challenge is all about good intentions. In autumn, the heart takes center stage. And now, in the spring, we focus on reviving, growing and blooming. Because life wants to see the sun.

What can you change to boost your life before the Summer


This is the period when the light really gets the upper hand. Nature blossoms. Everything is alive. Fresh green leaves appear on the trees. Spring flowers stick their heads above the ground. Birds nest and breed.….

We as people are also stimulated to get moving from within. The desire to crazl out of our holes grows. The transition from spring to summer invites us to grow and progress.


You may also feel the movement outwards. The sun that invites you to discover, experience and Act! Soak up life. To allow that which has been gained in contemplation in the winter and early spring to expand.

Bringing what you have come up with, or who you are actually into the world. And discover yourself in connection with the world around you. A fase to challenge yourself to expand to the best version of yourself.


This is a time of year when the energy wants to get out!

A period of preparing to shine, see and be seen.

The season of frolicking and blooming. Energetic!

To really push yourself to live life fully. In full glory! Take life completely.

Bite into it and enjoy it.

Feel and grab it. Together & Alone. Connected….

Why 66 Days

We all know that changing a habit takes perseverance. It doesn´t happen ´just like that´. Otherwise it would have happened already. The 66 Days Challenge offers you a proven chance of success. A study by the University College of London indicates that we need an average of 66 days to allow new habits into our system. Afterwards they expire automatically. Several studies support this.

The challenge has the following route:
Beginning (Days 1 to 22): Wow, I've made the choice.

Middle (Day 23 to 44): What the hell did I do? This doesn't feel right at all!

End (Day 45 to 66): My body and mind allow the change. It starts to flow.

Habit (Day 66): I have integrated new skills. It's part of my habits now. I embody it and am proud of myself. Time to celebrate!

So the route of 66 days leads to success and a lasting result. Attractive isn´t it?

Choose your challenges

Challenge and stretch yourself remains important for a strong, healthy, vital and balanced life. A life full of meaning! Life simply wants to be lived, from the heart. To us stretching means; make room . Going beyond the 'old', to be able to admit something new. We invite you to take on 3 challenges. Challenges that challenge you to change existing habits or introduce new ones.

Choosing is making progress

► Choose one challenge that you have been looking forward to for a long time. One of which you feel and belief it is really time to change.

► Choose two lighter challenges or desires that are going well, but which you want to integrate more into your life than you do now.

The challenges can relate to Body, Mind & Soul. They can relate to anything; health, well-being, leisure, work, learning, relationship, family, friends, colleagues and passions. Everything that makes your heart beat faster or that which holds you back from living fully.

Not meant for everybody!

We understand that this is not for everyone, only for those who really want to take steps in their lives. 

What a tumultuous time we live in. We are not yet 100% rid of Corona. An intense period that lasted a long time and had a lot of impact. The storm is slowly subsiding, but we can still feel it in our bodies. And now the war in Ukraine that we are witnessing up close. It makes our sense of well-being less self-evident. We often depend on others according to how we feel.

From what is happening on a global scale, the decisions within politics, the atmosphere at work, or how your partner or your children behave. But if you let the responsibility for your well-being depend on others, are you living your own life?

The World Health Organization recently indicated that 75% of all lifestyle diseases are caused by a wrong lifestyle. WOW! So you have no less than 3/4 in your own hands! The majority of people in the world die from chronic diseases, also known as diseases of affluence. You know them; cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating too much, exercising too little, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, anxiety and stress are more specific causes of diseases of affluence. Evidently we can do something about that ourselves.

What do you want to choose? Do you choose to take responsibility for your own life? For that which you feel, decide and do? Or do you let others determine your life? Only sign up if you really want to take steps in your lifestyle. Nothing is necessary in life. All that matters is YOU! Your life. Your personal growth. Both in heartset, mindset and loveset.

Why with us?

We are Michel Tassent and Susan Bronkhorst. Our mission is to make the sun shine and that starts with you. This challenge can give you that strong impulse.

We inspire and motivate you with all our experience and acquired knowledge in change and transformation.

Surf along on our positive vibes and invite yourself to take steps towards a life that you choose. A life full of love for yourself and the world.

We facilitate, inspire and motivate so you can reach the finish line.

We host you to success

During this period we will focus on allowing (first 22 days), accepting (next 22 days) and automating (last 22 days) our new habits.

All with the aim of improving yourself and ultimately being able to stand more powerfull in your shoes. A life full of life.

Participants of the 66 Days Challenge gave us an average of 9 out of 10.

Amazing how the two of you´ve inspired & motivated and were fellow challengers yourself.

Wouter WIllem Weber

~ Participant 66 Days Challenge

Thank you for letting the sun shine.

Natasja Rachel Hoekstra

~ Participant 66 Days Challenge

I think you're great! Bright, inviting, loving.

Anita Kooij

~ Participant 66 Days Challenge

We also keep challenging ourselves

  Are also enthusiastic participants at every edition of the 66 Days Challenge

Results of Michel:

  • Stopped smoking
  • Overcome fear of public speaking
  • Walk for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week
  • Exercise for an hour at least twice a week
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day
  • Learning something new every day
  • Daily writing and posting on social media (with dyslexia)
  • Recording Podcasts
  • Get up daily at 6 o'clock

Previous edition:

  • Listen with giraffe ears (a metaphor from Non Violent Communication)
  • Arrive on time
  • 1h in the morning for myself (meditation, exercise, learning)

Challenges 3th edition:

  • Nutrition: No wheat, coffee, cow's milk, added sugars, unhealthy fats, sweets and snacks
  • Sports: 2x a week 1h fitness or cycling
  • Focus: 5 top tasks to be completed that day

Results of Susan:

  • Take a cold shower in the morning
  • Meditate daily
  • Dance or movement in the morning
  • Be more visible
  • Start the day with two glasses of water
  • Create moments of rest during the day
  • Being all ears
  • Writing an eBook
  • Be less critical towards myself

Previous edition:

  • Integrate Non Violent Communication
  • Walk for half an hour, 5 times a week
  • Drink 2 liters of water a day

Challenges 3th edition:

  • Eat conscious; slow & no sugar, wheat and cow´s milk
  • Work:Do tasks in the morning, follow the flow in the afternoon
  • Consciousness: Meditate/ visualize at least 20 minutes a day

 You were sooooo there, so awake, so warm, so devoted and so present. I am grateful.

Sarah Temborius 

Will you also be attending the 3th edition of the 66 Days Challenge?

All of us have wondered what our lives would be like if we didn’t do certain things and did more of other things. This time of year is ideal for addressing habits that are not helpful, or introducing helpful habits. A great time to revive, grow & bloom.

What you can think of:

  • I would like to exercise more.
  • I would like to eat healthier and lower my weight.
  • I will drink more water.
  • I want to spend more time with friends and family.
  • I want to stop smoking.
  • I would like to show myself more.

The 66 Days Challenge helps and supports you in learning and unlearning these habits. We inspire each other to bring this quest to a successful conclusion. Of course we do this step by step and the habits (however small or large) are determined by you.

Really valuable if you want to improve yourself and want to live a blooming life!
Change your habits
A joint journey of 3 challenges in 66 days
350+ participants
Already preceded you in the first two editions
Score of 9/10
Is what Susan and Michel on average got from participants
'Small Habits to Great Happiness'

(including exercises)

Feedback from participants on the first editions of the 66 Days Challenge

I am happy with the 66 Day Challenge! Before that, I was stuck in a job that I no longer liked. I took the helm and initiated all kinds of actions. That resulted in starting in a new suiting job last February.
Annick Van Harten
It has gone so well! Next Monday 10 weeks non alcoholic. I repeat....10 weeks (toing).
Sylvia Bronkhorst

That is called being happy. If the dentist says; "You have no cavities." I went outside with a Big Smile. Less sugar = no annoying dental drill. Motivation is boosted again. I will continue, even after the challenge.

Rita de Clercq

Why you definitely want to participate in the 66 Days Challenge?

Eat healthier

Less or no sugars, fats, sweets, snacks, meat, coffee, food, more vegetables, tea, fruit, water; Lose weight, detox...

Go into the World

By sports, swimming, going out(side), enjoying yourself, creation, shining, sharing, communication, dancing, singing, laughing

Take care of yourself

Through gratitude, listening, sleeping, saving, out, cleaning up, cleaning, communicating connecting, pampering yourself, self-care, mild for yourself, letting go, …

Enjoy the Season

Via walking in nature, swimming, be at the sea, feel the sun, biking, hiking, fishing, living, spending time with yourself, family & friends…

Leave everything behind that has a negative impact on you

Stop or reduce addictions; smoking, drinking, social media, Netflix, work, ...

Discover new possibilities

In career, money, love, hobby, focus, assertiveness, learning a language, (online) visibility, getting up early, going to bed on time, ...

Some reactions from the participants

Nice to see that I don't have to go for a walk now. That I just want to be in the woods.
Karin Bos
The Challenge brings back balance to me! Speaking of balance, the scale now indicates 2 kg less.
Wouter Willem Weber

Never thought that connecting with you would feel so nice and supportive. I feel blessed.

Mia Calleeuw

Practical information


The 66 Days Challenge ~ 3th edition

"Multiple studies found out that people in average need 66 days to allow new habits in our system or disband old habits out of our system."


Tuesday 19 April till 23 June 2022

"Take action and be who you want to be. Say YES today and not tomorrow! (or the day after)"

Practical information


The 66 Days Challenge ~ 3th edition

"Multiple studies found out that people in average need 66 days to allow new habits in our system or disband old habits out of our system."


Tuesday 19 April till 23 June 2022

"Take action and be who you want to be. Say YES today and not tomorrow! (or the day after)"

Which program fits you best?

66 Days Challenge - Basic Program

Normal 99,-
Now 66,- 

That's equal to one dollar for each day of the challenge!
You can't even buy a cup of coffee with that!

All participants of the 66 Days Challenge will get:

  • eBook: 'Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support

66 Days Challenge - Group Program

Normal 99,-
Now 49,-

If you join with a group of at least 5 people, you´ll pay about 25% less! Hop on with your team, your colleagues, your company or your friends!

All participants of the 66 Days Challenge will get:

  • eBook: 'Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support


66 Days Challenge - Special Program

The 66 Days Challenge Special Programhelps people live the life they´ve always wanted!

 The Special Program is a unique customized path, with one on one support and guidance. An opportunity to emphatically upgrade your life

All participants of the 66 Days Challenge will get:

  • eBook: 'Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support

    Personal guidance for more success via:
  • 4 one to one meetings with Susan (1 hour)
  • 1 emergency call answered within 24 hours
  • Mastermind group (whatsapp)
  • Buddy within the Mastermind group

Which program fits you best?

66 Days Challenge - Basic Program

Normal 99,-
Now 66,- 

That's equal to one dollar for each day of the challenge!
You can't even buy a cup of coffee with that!

All participants of the 66 Days Challenge will get:

  • eBook: 'Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support

66 Days Challenge - Group Program

Normal 99,-
Now 49,-

If you join with a group of at least 5 people, you´ll pay about 25% less! Hop on with your team, your colleagues, your company or your friends!

All participants of the 66 Days Challenge will get:

  • eBook: 'Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support


66 Days Challenge - Special Program

The 66 Days Challenge Special Programhelps people live the life they´ve always wanted!

 The Special Program is a unique customized path, with one on one support and guidance. An opportunity to emphatically upgrade your life

The Special Program is a unique customized path, with one on one support and guidance: 

  • eBook: 'Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support

    Personal guidance for more success via:
  • 4 one to one meetings with Susan (1 hour)
  • 1 emergency call answered within 24 hours
  • Mastermind group (whatsapp)
  • Buddy within the Mastermind group

Still not convinced?

100% Guarantee

Have you completed the beginning (the first 22 days) of the Basic Program, but don't you feel that it was valuable to you? Then we will return your investment! This by contacting us via: info@66dchallenge.com

The Journey

After you register, you actually participate in the 66 Days Challenge. You will receive our eBook and further instructions for participation before the the start of the 66 Days Challenge.

The eBook teaches you about helping and non-helping habits. You will be included in the ideas of the 66 Days Challenge. And you´ll read about the elements that lead to the successful and long-term integration of new habits. The eBook is also a workbook. You can prepare yourself for the 66 Days with it.

During the 4 Zooms we will guide you through the entire 66 Days Challenge Journey as described in the eBook. You´ll also be part of a private FB-group where we inspire and motivate you and each other during the 66 days of the challenge. Together we´ll make this happen!

  For more questions or info:


Why participate?


It's exciting and interesting


This time we are really going to do it!


Ensure you progress, flourish & thrive


The heart is in!


Together we have a better chance at succes! 


Make sure the spotlights are on you

What's stopping you from taking part?

What if I pay and don't participate?

Then we will refund you 100% of your investment. An email before the start will do.

What if this challenge doesn't work for me?

Within 22 days after the start you get 100% your money back, check the guarantee.

I do not have time for this challenge!

There is always time for important things in our lives. What happens if your child, a family member or a friend suddenly ends up in the hospital? You´ll make sure that you create space and time, either way. We spend time on what we think is important. We haven´t been taught to create time for ourselves. Yet this is crucial if you want to create happiness for yourself.

I have no perseverance and willpower

A lot of people don't have those skills. We teach the participants tho show mindset in different stages of the process. For 66 days you put in your mindset and after that you can just let it go completely. Wonder what it would create if it would work out via this challenge. What would your world look like then?

I have no money for this!

Participation costs only 1,- per day! You can't buy a cup of coffee with that amount of money.

Why is this trajoctery not for free?

We have experienced that the commitment and success of payers is considerably greater. We choose to focus on people who really say YES and therefore achieve the greatest success. We get energy from that. You can also choose to do it yourself via our e-book. As you know, reading a book or committing to participate in an event makes a lot of difference. Together with a group and guided by a coach your chance to succeed is four times greater. It isn´t as easy and you´ll take smaller steps in changing your life, but it can be exceptional anyhow; https://www.66dchallenge.com/ebook

What if I can't attend one of the 4 Zoom meetings?

No problem. Every meeting is recorded. The recordings are shared in the private FB group, which you have access to.

What if I don't know which 3 challenges to choose, or how to describe them?

In that case Susan Bronkhorst or Michel Tassent will help you to choose and formulate your challenges.

Why in God´s name should I challenge myself?

“Where the stretch is the greatest, there you´ll find magic” is a well-known saying in Dutch. You can also see it as; what you put off doing the most can make your life more valuable. As a human being you came to this earth to grow, to discover, to live. Life wants to be lived completely. If you stay in your comfort zone, life will remain as you know it. Vital and healthy people have lifespirit. This is a muscle that you can develop by getting out of your comfort zone. Give it a try!

What will the 66 Day Challenge ultimately bring to me?

An important result is putting your self (care) at the center of your life again. Choosing for yourself, what ultimately also serves your environment. You´ll earn to be more powerful in life. 'Should' transforms into; I allow myself, I choose and I am'. We help you with that. If not; you´ll receive your money back within 22 days after starting. Check out the warrant.

What change or transformation am I going through?

From the experiences of the hundreds of previous participants, we know that something special always happens. By really saying YES to participation, a lot starts to change. You have chosen for yourself! From that moment on we go on a 66 days journey together and teach you to realize what you want to change in your life. It is a joint journey to self-care.


Register yourself, right now!

Then you say YES to YOURSELF and your LIFE!

With that you are immediately committed and actually already started.

I want to participate!


Register yourself, right now!

Then you say YES to YOURSELF and your LIFE!

With that you are immediately committed and actually already started.

I want to participate!
Yes, I want to experience it just like them

Yes, I want to experience it just like them