66 Days Challenge - Basic Program

The Basic Program consists of:

eBook; ´Small Habits to Great Happiness´

The eBook teaches you about helping and non-helping habits. You will be included in the ideas of the 66 Days Challenge.

And you read about the elements that lead to the successful and long-term integration of new habits

Exercises integrated in our eBook

The eBook is also a workbook. You can therefore effectively use this eBook during the challenge.

The eBook is a source of inspiration, but also a handhold or tool when you need it.

Guidance & Support

Michel & Susan help you achieve your challenges or goals during the challenge.

We don't only show you how powerful changing habits is, but also let you experience it. Both for yourself and for your environment.

Facebook private group

Do you want to become a part of our community aswel? Every edition we create a facebook group for all our new participants. Which works very motivating and inspiring for most participants.

Especially when things aren't going exactly as planned...

4 Zoom-meetings

Our Zoom meetings should not be missed either! Very helpful and necessary to see & hear each other during every milestone.

We use the zoom meetings to share, inspire and experience.


22 days guarantee

Have you completed the first phase (first 22 days) of the Basic program, but didn't feel it was that valuable to you?

Then we will refund your investment!

This can be done by contacting us at: info@66dagenchallenge.com

Determined to work on yourself?!

Try out our basic program for only 1,- a day. That's not even a cup a coffee

Some reactions from the participants

Nice to see that I don't have to go for a walk now. That I just want to be in the woods.
Karin Bos
The Challenge brings back balance to me! Speaking of balance, the scale now indicates 2 kg less.
Wouter Willem Weber
Never thought that connecting with you would feel so nice and supportive. I feel blessed.
Mia Calleeuw

Why you really want to try out the 66 Days Challenge:

Scientifically proven method

A study by University College of London indicates that we need an average of 66 days to allow new habits into our system. The researchers wanted to better understand how long it takes for a new habit to actually develop. A study of 96 people showed that it takes at least 2 months. Missing one day turned out to have hardly any influence on the habit forming process. That is good news! However, pushing through is necessary for full automation.

After the 66 days, our system is used to our new habits and they are almost automatic.

Changing habits in 66 days time

The 66 Day Challenge teaches you in an effective and practical way how to reverse unwanted habits in 66 days. By using substantiated and scientifically proven techniques and methods, you work on a 'better version' of yourself!

In the challenge you might recognize three different phases:
► Beginning (Days 1 to 22): Wow, I've made the choice.

► Middle (Day 23 to 44): What the hell did I do? This doesn't feel right at all!

► End (Day 45 to 66): My body and mind allow the change. It starts to flow.

New Habit (Day 66): I have integrated new skills. It's part of my habits now. I embody it and am proud of myself. Time to celebrate!

Put yourself at the center of your own life

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? In the 66 Days Challenge you are the center of attention. Many people make sacrifices in their lives for their beloved ones. And there's nothing wrong that! But if you take this to a certain degree, you will find out that there is no more time left FOR YOU!

In the end, that doesn't benefit anyone, it just costs & the ones you love or look up to you. During these 66 days you take responsibility for your own life. You make your choices. Make time for YOURSELF!

In the long run, you'll be more than just grateful to yourself. You get rid of your bad habits, you have taught yourself how it can be done alternately and above all, you have proven that you did it! Achieving your goals like this will not only give you immense joy. By working more on yourself, you feel better about yourself and you also radiate much more positivity!

Ripple-effect for your personal growth

A small change in your life has the possibility to open many new doors for you. We see this with a lot of our participants, who still apply the principles they learned during the challenge TODAY.

Some people are unaware of is, but life is an accumulation of the little things, the everyday things. Just to give you a simple example: pushing that snooze button every day which ensures you come in late for work (maybe repeatedly) ... These small things have a bigger impact on your life then one might think. Because it's those little habits that shape your life, shape the way you act, behave, make progress ...

But the true strength or power of our program doesn't lie in the fact that you achieve certain goals in 66 Days. This is awesome, but the true power of this program is that you can keep using these taught methods & techniques for your own benefit. Even way after the 66 Days Challenge has ended, which enables you to keep growing and growing ...

Realizing a goal is extremely satisfying. Which in turn also gives your confidence a big boost. Another positive consequence is that whenever you've accomplished a new habit or got rid of an old one, you'll also have an impact on the world around you. Think about it for a second: if you feel better after achieving a certain personal goal, chances are that your friends, family ... will notice and that will also positively affect them.

Take full control of your own future

Each of us has a 'bad' habit that he or she would like to get rid of. And if you are not, you're probably lying to yourself 😅 This could be a bad eating habit, need for more relaxation or more exercise in your life ...

The questions you need to ask yourself at that time are: "Am I willing to tackle this habit? Am I willing to change for the better? I've tried in the past, do i need help with this?".

And once you've said YES to these questions, the 66 Days Challenge will teach you techniques you can keep using throughout your whole life. You continue to develop yourself little by little, babysteps! Which is VERY POWERFUL, because this allows you to stack good habits and minimize the bad ones. Don't underestimate the progress you can make by consistently moving forward and succeeding in your own goals.

A truly Unique & Exclusive experience

Our approach is unique! You may encounter the average of 66 days to change a habit more often. But our practical approach is unique. It has been shaped by years of trial and error.
Challenging ourselves with only one goal in mind; being and living the best version of ourselves.

We have a unique system in which we combine 3 elements;
🔥 Heartset = Deep Rooted Desire
🌀 Mindset = Courageous & In the Moment
❤️ Loveset = Heart & Mindset care

Our own philosophy, methodology and approach has proven itself. Both for ourselves and for the hundreds of participants in our previous editions & challenges. During the 66 Days Challenge you are guided at crucial moments by Michel & Susan. Chances are that you will be stimulated, inspired and motivated by the other participants in the private Facebook group.

Which is normal, because these people want the same endgoal as you. Clearly this is one of the most valuable elements according to the participants. You see each other grow! 🌱

Participants rate us an average of 9/10

Taking our participants to the next level by supporting, inspiring and motivating them is what makes us happy. There are several ways to stey in touch via Facebook and Zoom sessions during the 66 days, allowing us to get to know each other better. As a result, we can continuously adjust or upgrade our program to the needs of the group.

In every time, we are participants in the challenges ourselves. Which is essential as far as we are concerned. We share our knowledge of change and transformation with great love and pleasure. And because we are so involved ourselves, the succes rates are higher than when you try to solve it yourself. We get very good reviews.

Of course, the enthusiasm of our participants has a lot to do with that! As a consequence we don't experience the need of participants to tend to our 22-day warranty rule. Although ultimately, it is in your own hands whether you succeed or not!

We look forward to getting to know you!

Do you like our basic program?!

In need of a change? Try out our Basic Program for only 66,- for the entire challenge!

 You were sooooo there, so awake, so warm, so devoted and so present. I am grateful.

Sarah Temborius

What the 66 Days Challenge really stands for

  • eBook: ´Small Habits to Great Happiness'
  • Exercices integrated in our eBook
  • FaceBook Private Group
  • 4 Zoom meetings
  • Guidance & Support
  • 22 days guarantee

  • Scientifically proven method
  • Changing old habits in 66 days
  • Putting yourself at the center of life
  • Ripple effect for personal growth
  • Take control of your future
  • Unique trajectory not found anywhere else
  • Participants gave us 9/10

Practical Information


66 Dagen Challenge ~ 3th edition


Tuesday 19 April until Thursday 23 June 2022

This is how we ended our last challenge

Personal guidance & Support
by Michel Tassent and Susan Bronkhorst

We are:

🌟 Michel Tassent en Susan Bronkhorst

🎈Curious about life

🍀Happiness Seekers & Finders

❤️ Love-couple

☀️ Let the sun shine

Who is Michel?


A 52 year old creator & (online) entrepreneur in heart and soul. As a young adult, he organized parties for up to 10,000 guests.

Then made the move to the internet by creating online visibility for companies large and small (SEO). After a while I started facilitating these services for other companies in need. Sharing my built-up knowledge and experiences throughout the years with like-minded people.

In short: an enthusiastic, happy, authentic man who bend labels such as ADHD, HSP and dyslexia into unique strengths & qualities.

Who is Susan?


A 49 year old bon vivant. A radiant woman who, after a career as a change agent in business, found herself again in dance.

Body work became her path to authenticity. Just like being a mother, a partner, a child, a friend; being human. For years she brought individuals and groups closer together through movement, in particular dance. Now she brings people together but for another reason.

As she still dances through life, her new mission is for people to reach their full potential; accompanied by her great love...

What to expect from us?

In the next 66 days we share our built-up knowledge and experience (both as a participant and as a guide).

We mix elements of Heart, Mind & Loveset. The 66 Day Challenge consists of 3 phases of 22 days.
In every phase we offer you what is needed to achieve real results! The 66 Days Challenge follow this route:

Day 1 to 22: Excitement. Wow, I made the choice!

🔥 Heart Set 🔥 ]
Connect with yourself and the group.
Content that inspires you and helps you move forward.

Day 23 to 44: Resistance! What the hell did I start with.

[ 🌀 Mindset 🌀 ]
Exercises that bring and keep you in the Here & Now,
Content that makes you persevere.

Day 45 to 66: Automation. My body and mind allow it. It starts to flow.

[ ❤️ Loveset ❤️ ]
Working methods that help you achieve your endgoal. I feel the change, both in myself and my environment.
Content that helps you integrate and maintain the new habits.

Ready for a change?!

For only 1 dollar a day you can already participate in the 66 Days Challenge with our Basic Program.

Some reactions about our work

Amazing how the two of you´ve inspired & motivated and were fellow challengers yourself.
Wouter Willem Weber
Ik vind jullie top! Helder, uitnodigend, liefdevol.
Anita Kooij
It has gone so well! Next Monday 10 weeks non alcoholic. I repeat....10 weeks (toing).
Sylvia Bronkhorst