Terms and Conditions 66 Days Challenge

Article 1 – Definitions

1.1 The “66 Days Challenge”: In these general terms and conditions, the product “66 Days Challenge” means Michel Tassent with company number VAT BE 0505 528 168.

1.2 Services: The services to be provided by 66 Dagen Challenge as described on https://www.66dchallenge.com including accessing and using the System via a browser solely for the purpose of setting up and maintaining the Website and sale of associated services.

Article 2 – Applicability

These terms and conditions apply to all offers and legal relationships of 66 Days Challenge. compensation for costs or damage is held. The paid subscription fee will be refunded pro rata.

Article 3 – Conclusion of agreement

3.1 All offers of 66 Days Challenge are without obligation and can be revoked within ten working days after becoming aware of the acceptance of the offer, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the offer.

3.2 The 66 Days Challenge order is established by clicking on the order button in the last step of the registration process on the Website of https://www.66dagenchallenge.com via a checkout software plug&play (plugandpay.nl) and payment provider Mollie (mollie .com).

Article 4 – Use

4.1 66 Days Challenge grants to Customer a non-exclusive right to use the System.

4.2 The right of use is not transferable. The Customer is not permitted to sell, rent, sub-use or make available to a third party in any way or for any purpose whatsoever the right of use.

4.3 Customer may only use the right of use for its own activities.

Article 5 – Duration of user right

5.1 The agreement is concluded for a period of at least 1 month or several months if use is made of an offer rate over a longer period. The agreement can be extended by the Customer in the interim and after its expiry.

5.2 The agreement is tacitly extended until the moment of cancellation by the customer, cancellation must take place at least 7 calendar days before the start of the new period and can only be done in writing or by e-mail.

5.3 The agreement cannot be terminated prematurely, the chosen number of months for the initial agreement is leading.

5.4 After termination or dissolution of the agreement, the customer will refrain from any direct or indirect use of the services provided and is obliged to provide all information obtained from 66 Days Challenge . within two working days after the date of termination or dissolution from all (computer) equipment present at the Customer's.

5.5 The 66 Days Challenge and Customer are authorized to dissolve the Agreement with immediate effect without further notice of default or judicial intervention in writing or by email and without being obliged to pay any compensation for costs or damage in the following cases;

(a) if the other party files for bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt;

(b) the customer applies for a (provisional) suspension of payments or is granted a (provisional) suspension of payments;

(c) the customer has been placed under guardianship or administration, or 66 Days Challenge ceases or liquidates its activities.

5.6 Notwithstanding the rest of this Agreement, the following obligations shall continue after the termination of this Agreement:

(a) outstanding payments;

(b) intellectual property rights;

(c) liability.

Article 6 – Rights and obligations 66 Days Challenge

6.1 The 66 Days Challenge makes every effort to make the services available continuously but does not guarantee that the services will be available at all times.

6.2 The 66 Days Challenge reserves the right to make changes to the Services and the System. 66 Days Challenge will make every effort to notify changes that limit the core functions of the Services and the System in advance, with due observance of a reasonable period of time, unless this is not reasonably or technically possible.

6.3 66 Days Challenge may expand the Services and/or the System with modules containing new functionalities.

6.4 66 Days Challenge makes every effort to make regular backups of data used within the Website, but does not guarantee the availability of this data.

Article 7 – Client's rights and obligations

7.1 The Customer hereby acquires the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Services for setting up one Website via the equipment and software to be provided by it.

7.2 Customer is responsible for all use of the Services.

7.3 The Customer is responsible for correctly making backups of its own data that is used for setting up and maintaining the Website.

7.4 When entering into the Agreement, the Customer must provide the correct, current and complete (address) information that is requested from the Customer during the registration process. The customer must notify changes to this (address) data as soon as possible via the 66 Days Challenge back office.

7.5 The Customer must refrain from unauthorized use of the Services and will act and behave in accordance with what 66 Dagen Challenge may expect from a careful user. In particular, when using the Services, Customer will:

(a) not post any information on the System that infringes any intellectual property rights of any third party;

(b) not offer any products or services that have been stolen, violate any law, or otherwise infringe any rights of any third party;

(c) not distribute information that is contrary to legal provisions, public order and morality;

(d) not intentionally distribute or allow the distribution of viruses or other programs that can cause damage to equipment, software or data of third parties;

(e) not (attempt to) gain access to computers or computer systems for which he is not authorized ("hacking");

(f) alter, delete or disable data posted on the System of other users of the Services or add data to that data of third parties without the consent of the relevant third party;

(g) not use the Services in such a way as to the correct functioning thereof is prevented, or that damage or hindrance can be caused to other users of the Services;

(h) refrain from making his Username or (part of) the Services available in any way to third parties . Customer will keep his Username strictly personal and secret;

(i) follow all instructions from 66 Days Challenge given in connection with the use of its Services.

7.6 Without prejudice to its other rights under the law or the Agreement, 66 Dagen Challenge reserves the right to suspend its obligations to the Customer or to dissolve the Agreement if the latter acts, or reasonably is suspected of acting in violation of Article 7.5, without 66 Dagen Challenge being obliged to pay any compensation.

Article 8 – Remuneration and prizes

8.1 Fees and other prices or rates specified by 66 Days Challenge or agreed upon with 66 Days Challenge include sales tax (VAT) and other taxes or levies, unless stated otherwise.

8.2 66 Days Challenge is in all cases entitled to adjust the agreed price by means of an e-mail to the Customer with due observance of a term of thirty (30) days.

8.3 If the Customer does not wish to agree to an adjustment of the price made known by 66 Dagen Challenge, the Customer is entitled to cancel the Agreement in writing or by e-mail within thirty (30) days after the notification thereof. of 66 Days Challenge mentioned date on which the price adjustment would take effect. The money paid will be refunded pro rata.

8.4 The Client is not entitled to set-off with regard to the payment of the 66 Days Challenge fee and other amounts owed. Customer may not suspend payment of the 66 Day Challenge fee or other amounts invoking any faultiness of the service.

8.5 If 66 Days Challenge blocks a service on the basis of the applicable conditions, it is entitled to attach the condition to an unblocking that the Customer pays the applicable costs, in accordance with the regulation applicable at the time of unblocking at 66 Days Challenge.

Article 9 – Payment

9.1 Payment will be invoiced prior to the period.

9.2 Payment must be made no later than 14 days after the invoice date if a payment method based on direct transfer (iDeal, PayPal, credit card, etc.) is not used.

9.3 The 66 Days Challenge has the right at all times to demand full or partial payment in advance and/or to obtain security for payment in some other way. 9.4 In the event of non-payment on the aforementioned due dates, an interest of 1% per month will be charged on the balance due by operation of law and without notice of default being required.

9.5 Without prejudice to its other rights under the law or the Agreement, 66 Dagen Challenge is entitled to suspend the Service in the absence of timely payment without being obliged to pay any compensation for costs or damage.

9.6 The 66 Days Challenge has the right to disable the Website at all times if payment of the invoice has not been received after more than 45 days after sending/notification.

9.7 If he intends to cancel the direct/one-off direct debit at the bank, the customer must first consult with 66 Dagen Challenge.

Article 10 – Guarantee, refunds & advertising

10.1 The 66 Days Challenge guarantees the soundness of the service it provides in accordance with what the Client can reasonably expect on the basis of the agreement. Should defects nevertheless occur in the service provided by 66 Dagen Challenge as a result of programming and/or design errors, then it will repair these defects (or have them repaired) or apply a reasonable price reduction, all at the discretion and exclusively at the discretion of 66 Days Challenge.

10.2 Defects in the security of the information stored by the Customer on the systems of 66 Days Challenge, defects as a result of actions by the Customer itself or of other or internet users, as a result of changes in dial-in numbers, login procedures, account and/or e-mail address or other changes are not covered by the warranty and are at the expense and risk of the Customer.

10.3 The customer must carefully inspect the service provided immediately after activation, on pain of forfeiture of any right to complain and/or warranty.

10.4 If the Customer does not agree with a debit from his account/credit card, the Customer can contact 66 Days Challenge via the contact page on the website. The customer will then receive a substantive response of 66 Days Challenge within 15 working days. If the Customer's dispute is found to be well-founded, the collected amount will be refunded as soon as possible to the account from which it was debited.

10.5 It is not allowed to cancel the subscription prematurely and as a result thereof to reclaim amounts already paid. After the end of the subscription period, it is possible to cancel the subscription at no cost.

10.6 Complaints do not suspend Customer's payment obligations.

Article 11 – Intellectual property rights

11.1 All intellectual and industrial property rights with regard to the Website and other services, and with regard to everything 66 Dagen Challenge develops, manufactures or provides, including software, knowledge programs, texts, designs, videos and images, belong to 66 Dagen Challenge.

11.2 The Customer is not permitted to remove or change any designation about brands, trade names, copyrights or other intellectual or industrial property rights.

11.3 The Customer is not permitted to copy, reproduce or otherwise reproduce, translate, adapt, imitate, modify or reconstruct the service or part thereof.

11.4 Insofar as necessary for the use of the Services, the Client obtains a non-transferable and non-exclusive right of use with regard to these intellectual property rights.

Article 12 – Liability

12.1 66 Days Challenge is never liable for any direct and indirect damage suffered by Customer or third parties, including consequential damage and immaterial damage as a result of the use or non-use of the Services.

12.2 The liability of 66 Days Challenge towards the Customer, for whatever reason, is limited to the compensation owed by the Customer under the Agreement for a period of three (3) months prior to the time when the damage occurred.

12.3 The Client will indemnify 66 Dagen Challenge and third parties engaged by it against all third-party claims with regard to liability, damage and costs, arising as a result of or related to the use or non-use by the Client of the Services.

12.4 Specified deadlines are approximate and cannot be regarded as strict deadlines. 66 Days Challenge is not liable if specified terms are exceeded

Article 13 – Force majeure

13.1 The 66 Days Challenge is not obliged to fulfill one or more obligations if it is prevented from doing so due to force majeure. Force majeure also includes:

a) a shortcoming of external hosting providers and suppliers of 66 Days Challenge

b) interruptions or malfunctions in the power and/or telecommunication facilities

c) impediments as a result of the hardware and software used by the Customer or the this technical infrastructure used

d) strikes

e) fire

f) accident or illness of personnel

g) Denial of Services (DoS) attacksh) by 66 Days Challenge unforeseen problems and any other circumstance that does not depend solely on the will of 66 Days Challenge.

13.2 If the force majeure situation has lasted longer than sixty (60) days, the Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement by written dissolution or dissolution by e-mail, without 66 Dagen Challenge being obliged to pay any compensation for costs or damage.

13.3 If 66 Days Challenge is prevented from fulfilling the agreement due to restrictions or impediments or other forms of force majeure, it is entitled to suspend the execution of the agreement. In that case, the Customer is not entitled to compensation for damage, costs or interest.

Article 14 – Advice

14.1 All advice, shared knowledge and notifications and statements provided by 66 Dagen Challenge about, among other things, the properties of the services to be provided by 66 Dagen Challenge are entirely without obligation and are provided by 66 Dagen Challenge by way of non-binding information. 66 Days Challenge does not provide any guarantee whatsoever.

14.2 66 Dagen Challenge is not liable for any direct or indirect damage, in whatever form and for whatever reason, arising from the provision of information and/or advice by 66 Dagen Challenge. The customer indemnifies 66 Days Challenge against all claims from third parties, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of 66 Days Challenge.

Article 16 – Hosting

16.1. In principle, the 66 Days Challenge uses the same conditions for hosting as for other services, in particular the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 apply to hosting and related services.

16.2 Without the permission of 66 Dagen Challenge, the Customer is prohibited from transferring the username(s) and password(s) provided by 66 Dagen Challenge to third parties.

16.3 No liability exists for the consequences of not being able to send, receive, store or change data if an agreed limit for storage space or data traffic is reached.

16.4. Customer hereby grants 66 Days Challenge unrestricted use to distribute, store, transmit or copy any materials distributed by Customer through 66 Days Challenge's systems in any manner deemed appropriate by 66 Days Challenge, but only to the extent that such is reasonably necessary for the fulfillment of the agreements by 66 Days Challenge.

Article 17 – Privacy

17.1 66 Days Challenge respects Customer's privacy. 66 Days Challenge will process Customer's personal data in accordance with the applicable privacy regulations and with the Privacy Statement that can be viewed on the 66 Days Challenge website. The customer agrees to this processing of his personal data.

Article 18 – Applicable law

18.1 This Agreement is exclusively governed by Dutch law.

18.2 Insofar as not mandatorily prescribed otherwise by national legal rules, the court in Antwerp has exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes arising from or related to the Agreement between the parties.

18.3 The Customer is not entitled to transfer the rights and obligations under the Agreement to a third party, including entities within the group of which the Customer is a part, without the prior written consent of 66 Dagen Challenge. 66 Dagen Challenge is entitled to transfer the rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties. The Client hereby grants its consent to such a transfer.

18.4 If one or more provisions of this Agreement are void or voidable, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions. The parties will consult in order to agree on new provisions to replace the void or voided provisions, whereby the purpose and intent of the void or voided provision are taken into account as much as possible.

Contact details:

Lansstraat 14, 2000 Antwerp

Phone: +32498 13 55 41

Email: michel@tassent.be

Company number: VAT BE 0505 528 168